Sport News 197-In the early discovery, sport game volleyball is named Mintonette. Mintonette sport was first discovered by a physical education instructor (Director of Physical Education) named William G. Morgan in the YMCA on February 9, 1895, in Holyoke, Massachusetts (USA). William G. Morgan was born in Lockport, New York in 1870, and died in 1942. The YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) is an organization dedicated to teaching the basic Christian teachings to the youth, as it has been taught by Jesus.
This organization was established on June 6, 1884 in London, England by George William. After meeting with James Naismith (a creator of the sport of basketball, who was born on November 6, 1861 and died on November 28, 1939), Morgan creates a new sport called Mintonette. Similarly, James Naismith, William G. Morgan also dedicated his life as a physical education instructor. William G. Morgan is also a graduate of Springfield College of the YMCA, created the game this Mintonette sport four years after the creation of the game of basketball by James Naismith.
Sport games Mintonette actually a game that was created by combining several types of games. Precisely, Mintonette game created by adopting four different sport games characters into one, namely basketball, baseball, tennis and the last is a handball. At first, this game was created specifically for YMCA members who are not young anymore, so this game-was made not as active as the game of basketball.
Mintonette name change becomes volleyball occurred in 1896, in his first game demonstration at the International YMCA Training School. In early 1896, Dr. Luther Halsey Gulick (Director of the Professional Physical Education Training School as well as the Executive Director of the Department of Physical Education of the International Committee of the YMCA) invited and asked Morgan to demonstrate the new game he had created in the new campus stadium.
At a conference held at the campus YMCA, Springfield was also attended by the entire physical education instructor. On the occasion, Morgan took two teams in each team consisting of five people. On that occasion, Morgan also explained that the game is a game that can be played inside and outdoors with very freely. And according to the explanation at the time, the game can also be played by many players. There is no limit to the number of players that are standard in the game. While the goal of this game is to keep the ball in order to keep moving higher over the net, from one area to another (opposing area).
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