He is the inventor of the sport of basketball and the first to introduce the helmet on the sport of American football.
At first Naismith trying to find ways to relieve the boredom of his students during the winter. They are bored with gymnastics movements stiff, so membership is deteriorated and school visitors. While the need will continue to do exciting sport increasingly urgent. Naismith was trying to draw up a new sport activity as an assignment from Dr. Luther Gulick. He tried to make the idea of a sport that can be played in a closed room in the afternoon.
Criteria of game he wants is easy to learn, and not so hard as the other sports games at the time. The first step that he did was to try to change the sports that have been played at the time such crowded, Football, Baseball and so on. But nothing matched the criteria Naismith wanted. From this he concluded that the game uses a big, round ball, no tripping, and replacing the goal as the target. To tame the ball is done by hand operand and dribble. Wicket replaced with a more narrow target and above the players, so that the accuracy and precision of firing more priority than the current power kick. Naismith originally wanted to use a wooden box, but because there are only a fruit basket empty, so the targeted shot is the basket. Therefore Naismith called the new game by the name of Basketball.
In the next year the 1892 Naismith first introduced this sport to the American public. Then he issued an official's regulations basketball for the first time in 1984. Furthermore, in 1895 the word Basketball has been accepted in the English treasury. Far Eastern Basketball Championship was first held in 1913. In 1918 basketball was introduced widely in Europe by the American occupation forces and members of the YMCA. In 1932 Congress Basketball is held for the first time in Geneva, Switzerland. Results of this Congress is the information of the basketball federation called the Federation international de Basketball (FIBA). In 1936 basketball for the first time competed in the Olympics precisely in the Berlin Games with twenty countries participated. 1939 became the year of mourning for the passing or the basketball federation Prof. Dr. James A. Naismith.
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