History of the Olympics

Ancient Greek Olympics

Sport News 197-Since thousands of years ago the Greeks projects was familiar with the sport in the simplest sense. They do it for the sake of war or military forces. By exercising the soldiers are expected to be agile and swift in battle.
The earliest Olympics is said to have held the ancient Greeks in 776 BC.
The activity was followed by the entire nation of Greece and held in honor of their supreme god, Zeus. Zeus lived on Mount Olympia or Olympus which is then used as the name of the Olympic Games until now.
The ancient Olympic Games held every four years the best sportsmen from all over Greece came to the arena in the vicinity of Mount Olympia. They compete as individuals, not on behalf of the team. The athletes who will compete first ten months of intensive training in their respective areas.
First, in the Greek civil war often occur when the Games take place, however, the warring parties to a ceasefire. Who is breaking the consensus will be fined The Spartans never required to pay fines for violating the ceasefire during the Peloponnesus War. Ahead of the party, the executive committee sacrificial slaughter pigs.
Currently in the region of Olympia there is a group of small buildings and outdoor rink. Remnants of the debris field that exercise is an archaeological relic preserved Greek government.
At the Olympic Games often occurs peace agreement or alliance between nations. Also incurred various transaction activities. The goods are sold, among others, wine, food, amulets and objects of worship.
The ancient Olympics bring into athletics, such as running, jumping, and throwing. There are also horse racing and carriage racing.
Because the rules are not raw, many spectators. There are also horse racing and carriage racing. Because the rules are not raw, many viewers are often hit by a stone or a horse-drawn carriage hit by the participants. The open space in front of the altar of Zeus, once the arena wrestling and boxing.


The Olympia is also still found stones are footing track. Stepping stones are arranged so that the runners got the space to the left and to the right. At the start of the runners have to put your foot on the stepping stones. There are also panels on special race carrying shields. The competition was much preferred the audience because it was considered amusing.
The opening of the Olympic Games has always colored race with a four-horse carriage. About 40 trains lined up in a cage at the exit gate. The distance traveled nearly 14 km, which is 12 times back and forth between two poles stuck in the ground stone.
Unlike the modern Olympics, once the crown of victory was not given to the coachman or a jockey, but to train and horse owners are generally rich people. The rich are hungry for honor usually sent at least seven trains a horse to enter the race.
Various games in the ancient Olympics may be said loud round. The runners raced as quickly as possible without wearing footwear. The riders compete all-out without saddle or stirrups. The jumper carries ballast that swung back and forth to add impetus to go forward.
Is the hardest sport pankration, which is a blend of traditional style of wrestling and boxing. The athletes may punt or strangle an opponent. That is not allowed is massaging the eyes, biting, and broke a finger. Fairplay properly addressed the athletes.
Some ancient artifacts there Vanc show boxing scene between the two athletes. Winner of boxing is to hit the opponent's head. The losing party must concede finger marks.
The ancient Olympic Games can only be watched and followed by the men. For the athletes must compete naked, except for special occasions, such as chariot races. They were dressed in a variety of women to show the social status of the owner and the horse carriage.
For the Greeks naked is the most appropriate way to exercise. They are proud that to have an athletic body.
The winner of the game to get the crown of leaves, such as wild olive leaves as a substitute for a medal. Sometimes the champions paraded through the city entered a specially made hole in the wall of the city. They hailed in the streets of the city and greeted the reading of poetry. Other awards to outstanding sportsmen in the form of exemption from taxes and free food (Greek Classics, 1985)
Some cities also provide large amounts of cash bonus. Even in the city of residence of the winner set their sculptures. Many of stone and bronze statues remained until now and that is the most enduring gifts belong to the champion.
One part of athletics is still unknown up to now is a marathon, the race so far is approximately 42 km. Actually, the marathon is the name plains surrounded by mountains and the sea.
The story, when Athens will be attacked by the enemy, Miltiades, an intelligent and resolute commander, blocking of Marathon. Finally Miltiades defeated the Persian army. For that Miltiades sent a runner to Athens to announce the victory news. After running about 35 KTN, the runners fell down and died.
Those who died were buried in a mound Marathon magnificent. To commemorate their services, hence the term used to run the Marathon.
Ancient Greek Cultural Center of the World
One time in the history of the world which is seen as a big century mankind is ancient Greek times. This era began about 2000 BC.
Indeed, Mesopotamia (Iraq), Egypt, or China is considered so high but ancient Greek culture has its advantages. Namely, the images of a person or a person's face in the form of a statue. Tens of thousands of pieces of archaeological artifacts from various sites, generally depicts a well-known figure at the time.
Due to highlight the figure, the history of ancient Greek containing a lasting humanitarian terms. It is very beneficial to the researchers of the past who lived thousands of years later (Greek Classics, 1985).
The Greeks called the country's ancient Hellas. They were pleased to war, both civil war and against an external enemy, like the Roman, Persian, and Macedonian. Until modern times Greece whelmed war. Frequent disputes with its neighbors: Turkey and Italy. Greece became fully independent state in 1830.


Ancient Greek society adopts polytheism. They worship many gods. Deities were named according to the strength and power. The supreme god of the Greeks was Zeus, ruler of Mount Olympia or Olympus. Zeus holds the power to maintain order, justice, peace, and morals.
Ancient Greek gods are classified according to place of residence, that is heaven or sky, sea, earth, and the afterlife Some gods are classified according to his power, so that the known gods and deities core non-core (Brief Overview of the Ancient Greek gods, 1983 ).
Gods of heaven are gods core. There are 12 gods fit into this classification, namely Zeus (almighty god), Hera (goddess of marriage / birth protector), Ares (god of war), Hephaistos (god of fire and blacksmith), Hebe (goddess of eternal youth), Aphrodite (goddess of beauty), Pallas Athena (goddess of knowledge, wisdom, wisdom, intelligence, peace, patron of the arts / crafts), Phoibos Apollon (god of the sun, the occult, medicine, the arts, culture), Artemis (goddess of the moon, goddess of the hunt ), Hermes (patron god of shepherds, traders, and thieves), Denieter (goddess of agriculture and fertility of the soil), and Hestia (goddess of hearth home).
In addition to the gods core of this group came the gods whose role is lower. Supposing minister or minister of state rank below the coordinating minister. They are Helios (sun god), Eos (goddess of dawn), Phaeton (the son of Helios), Selene (goddess of the moon), Nike (goddess of victory), Ganymedes (the waiter of the gods), Asklepios (the god of medicine), Eros / Amor (Cupid), Psyche (goddess psychiatric), Charite / Gratiae (goddess of beauty and flexibility), Aeolus / Aeolus (god of wind), and Iris (goddess of the rainbow).
Among gods most revered ocean is Poseidon (god of the sea), while the gods of the earth is the role of Dionysos / Bakchos (god of wine), Nymphae (wood nymph), Pan (the patron god of the shepherds), and Okeanos ( large river god). While the gods most worshiped afterlife is Hades (god conductor spirits).


Greek capital Athens now named The name comes from the goddess Pallas Athena is said that at first the capital of Greece does not have a name. Then Pallas Athena competed with Poseidon to name and become a patron of the city.
Condition, whoever can provide the most useful gift to the city will be chosen to be a winner.
Poseidon trident stick plugged into the ground, the sea and created the first horse. While Pallas Athena stick his spear into the ground so that it grows olive trees.
After that Pallas Athena taught city folk about the usefulness stems, leaves and fruit of the tree. That's what makes Pallas Athena won the competition since been majority of people of the city.
As offerings, in the city of Athens built a temple called the Parthenon. This temple is situated on top of the Acropolis hill. In it there is a statue of Athena made of gold and ivory. The author is a famous sculptor Pheidias (Fidias) assisted Iktinus and Kalikrates as architect-architect
During the 900 years of building it serves as a temple of Athena, 1000 years as a church, and 200 years as a mosque. This multifunctional building into a unique archaeological relics and rare. Currently Parthenon in ruins. Pillars which attracts many collapsed due to the war.
The entire Greek many other archaeological remains were also damaged, destroyed, and disappeared because of the war. Even thousands of ancient artifacts looted by Roman soldiers. Hundreds of thousands again taken the occupation army in modern times.


Ancient Greece produced many experts whose names are still remembered to this day. Aristotle, Plato, and Socrates is a philosopher. Pitaeoras and Archimedes is an expert on science. Father of Medicine Hippocrates labeled as the World because of its role is very impressive.
Unconsciously people often use the term political chaos and Oudipus-complex psychological terms. Chaos which means chaos comes from the Greek. Oudipus Similarly, the legend of a child who kills his biological father later married the biological mother
Greek influence has spread across the world in various fields. Western astrology or horoscopes, for example, recognize the various zodiac. Zodiac-Zodiac is derived from Greek mythology (Greek Mythology, 1977).
In the mythology told Kronos and Rhea gave birth to Zeus. For fear of being swallowed Kronos, Rhea brought Zeus to a goat Almatheia for feedings. As a thank you later Zeus placed as a symbol of the zodiac Aries (picture of a goat).
Another mythology tells Diskouroi, twins Zeus with Leda Diskouroi daughter is a guide and protector of sailors. Karenaberjasa, they were both awarded the zodiac Gemini (twins picture).
Legend of Herakles or Hercules, the mighty hero-gods in human form, is very popular in many parts of the world. Even films have been box office in many countries.
The legend of the Trojan Horse so pervasive many people. The legend never disturb a German banker Heinrich Schliemann to conduct excavations at Troy Hill. The result is remarkable because he discovered ancient artifacts magnificent.
The name comes from the European continent Greek legend. It is said that Zeus was enamored of Europe, the daughter of Agenor, an ordinary man. Then Zeus disguised as a white bull and holding the European stroll. Zeus eventually lowered his girlfriend on the beach and then a new country named Europe.
Ancient Greek alphabet known until now and is still used as a symbol or term in various sciences. Greek alphabet number of 24 pieces, respectively alpha (a), beta (b), gamma (g), delta (d), epsilon (e), zeta (z), eta (e), theta (th), iota (i), kappa (k), lambdha (1), mu (m), nu (n), xi (x), omikron (o), pi (p), rho (r), sigma (s), tau (t), upsilon (y, u), fi (f), kfai (kh), psi (ps), and omega (o).
Math and physics, for example, using alpha, beta, and gamma as the name of the angle and light. Unit of electrical resistance is omega. The term for the sum is sigma, and much more.
Greece is the center of culture and science world. But the relatively barren country. Greek main income is derived from tourism by exploiting the full potential of archaeological relics. Within a year the number of tourists visiting Greece reach dozens of million people, more than the population that only 12 million people.
Olympics is a sporting event between nations. There were two Olympics the best known today is the Olympic Summer and Winter Games.
Summer Games is a sporting event summer held every 4 years and followed by all countries in the world are listed on the International Olympic Committee (IOC = International Olympic Committee)
Winter Olympics is a showcase of winter sports among nations held four years. The match is usually performed on ice or snow, for example, ice skating or skiing. The number of participating countries Winter Olympics less than the Summer Olympics, because the countries that were at the equator do not have the facilities for winter sports.
In the next article, which referred to the Olympics was the Summer Olympics.
First Modern Olympics
At first Olympics in ancient Greece lasted only until the year 393 AD the ancient Olympics was stopped by the Roman Emperor Theodosius. Olympics later revived by a French nobleman, Pierre Fredy, Baron de Courbertin in 1896.
In Congress in 1894 organized by Pierre Fredy in Paris, founded the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the Greek capital, Athens was chosen as host of the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. And then since 1896 until now, every four years the Olympic season This heat is always held except the years during World War II.

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